I have been asked a few times once more recently about what I like to fantasize about when I masturbate, one of my personal favorite fantasy’s goes something like this. I’m a violent evil demonic witch in the 1600’s, alot of the villagers have gone missing, and rightfully they blame me. The men ban together leaving all of the women and children behind and head out during early morning they assume I will be asleep.They gather what ever farming tools they can, that they can use for weapons. I have set a trap for the brave fools, what better way to gather all of the men of the village just to kill them off all at once, when they reach my home a have prepared a curse for them. I come out from my home and strike them with dark magic, and than I watch at first they don’t realize a thing, in fact one men begin to laugh out loud, another shouts for him to shut up, they all begin to bicker with one another. One pushes the other and they begin fighting eventually they all kill each other the last living one being so traumatized, takes his own life. I have a horde of demonic male Ogors with enlarge prickly cocks, we take the village I command them to spare all the females, and to spare the male with the biggest cock. I use my dark magic a create a throne made up of the dead male bodies the seat of my throne is that male and his large cock, he is barely breathing as I play with his cock and make it erect. I can hear his dieing moans, as the ogors line up a group of very young girls, they have them doggy style and they lick their little pussies and butts, and begin to fuck them with their enormous horse sized cocks. Some of them are fucked so hard while crying they piss and shit on themselves, pain moans and sexual moans are both the same to me. I seat on the erected cock on my throne and ride it roughly as I watch the ogors make two piles, one pile contains the expired girls, the other pile for the expiring, the ones that live are the ones that can manage to take the horse cock. They have had practice as I hear them erupt into orgasm, as I do too.
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Mistress Raven